

Effective, medical grade, evidence-based treatments to address over 20 skin concerns.

Before& After

After 2 rosacea laser treatments
Laser Genesis for acne. 8 Sessions.
Laser treatments for nose vein / broken capillaries treatments.
After 9 laser treatments for acne.
Laser for spider veins in legs. Results after 2 leg vein treatments.
After 5 Laser Genesis treatments for acne and scarring .
broken capillaries on nose
After 2 nose vein / broken capillaries treatments.
After 3 laser treatments for telangiectasia.
After 2 laser treatments for facial veins.
After 3 laser treatments for pigmentation.
Laser for Rosacea (1 session, 6 weeks later).
After 9 Laser Genesis treatments.
After 3 laser treatments for scarring.
Fading brown pigment spots in hand with Excel V+ laser. 2 treatments.
pigment treatment with laser
Laser Genesis for enlarged pores + skin texture.
After 2 laser treatments for sun damage.
Sun spot after 2 laser treatments.
After 2 laser treatments for sun damage.
After 5 Laser Genesis treatments for acne.
broken capillaries on face
After 2 laser treatments for sun damage.
After 3 laser treatments for Rosacea.
After 1 treatment for leg veins.
After 1 laser treatments for angioma.
After 1 laser treatments for nose vein / broken capillaries treatments.
After 2 laser treatments for sun damage.
After 3 laser treatments for poikiloderma.
After 2 laser treatments for pigmentation.
After 2 laser treatments for pigmentation.
After 7 laser treatments for pigmentation and broken capillaries.

Start your skin journey today.

Skin & Laser FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers

Laser Genesis is a gentle, no downtime laser for all skin types.  It can treat acne, redness, enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, skin laxity and reduce fine wrinkles by stimulating collagen.

For best results, Laser Genesis requires 4 to 8 treatment sessions spaced 2 to 6 weeks apart. If only one or 2 sessions are done, results may not be noticeable or may not last long.

Laser Genesis uses a micro-pulsed 1064nm laser that heats collagen and small blood vessels.

The laser stimulates collagen which reduces pore size, fine wrinkles and gives a healthy glow.

Redness and rosacea are reduced by gently collapsing unwanted micro blood vessels in the skin surface. The heat from Laser Genesis also kills acne causing bacteria.

Laser Genesis can heat up the disorganised collagen in acne scars and allow it to smooth out. 

This treatment delivers gentle laser light into the deeper dermal layers of the skin. Laser Genesis can be used as a preventive anti-aging treatment. To improve results further, Laser Genesis can be combined with a gentle hydrating peel or with dermaplaning (epiblading).

Excel V+ is a medical grade laser. This next generation laser is the fast and easy way to treat rosacea, spider veins, redness & skin texture. It is the most advanced dermatology laser, combining two powerfully precise lasers to target and eliminate unwanted reds, browns, purples and blues on the face and body.

The Excel V+ laser targets red, brown and purple pigments. This makes it perfect for removing unwanted blood vessels, reducing redness, fading brown spots, and treating acne. The 1064nm mode also stimulates collagen remodelling, providing skin rejuvenation by improving skin tone, texture and reducing pore size.

A combination of the 532nm and 1064nm ND:YAG lasers are used to customise a treatment based on the target colour and depth of the skin concern. We also take into account your medical history and skin type to minimise risks of any side effects or downtime.

Most treatments are finished in 10 to 20 minutes, and results are typically seen after a series of 1-3 treatment sessions.

All treatments have risks and the chance of a side effect will vary for each individual. If a laser is stronger, it will produce results more quickly but has a higher risk of side effects. 

  • Vascular laser treatments often cause redness and swelling, like sunburn. 
  • Laser can cause a burn which in some people may be prone to forming scar tissue.
  • There may be a loss of pigment or increase in pigment in the treated areas.
  • Any leg vein treatment has a reasonable risk of causing bruises. Some of these bruises can be semi-permanent; this is from the iron in blood staining the surrounding tissue.

Laser Genesis can usually treat all skin types but Vascular Laser is recommended only for Fitzpatrick skin types 1 to 3.

Sometimes skin type 4 can be treated with vascular laser but there is a higher risk of loss or gain of pigment to the treated areas.

Darker skin types can tolerate less heat and may require more sessions. Our doctor may prescribe a course of medication prior to laser treatment to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation if you have had issues with pigment or melasma in the past.

This Vascular Laser is far more gentle than Fraxel or ablative lasers. Excel V+ treatments can feel similar to a quick rubber band snap against skin.

If we are using Laser Genesis mode, the treatment will feel warm but there are no sharp or painful sensations.

Depending on the procedure, a cooled treatment tip will be in contact with the skin to protect and provide additional comfort to the area.

Numbing cream may also be used for additional comfort.

With Excel V+, most skin concerns require only one to two treatment sessions to achieve results. However, the number of treatments will vary based on your condition.

At the start of your appointment, we assess your skin concerns and can provide a guide to how many sessions will be needed, if any downtime may be involved and how much it will cost.

Sun protection is essential after laser and you need to be strict about it for at least 2 weeks.

Most people can wear makeup and return to normal activities immediately. Mild redness and/or swelling can be expected following treatment.

For full-face treatments, swelling will peak 24 to 48 hours post treatment and usually resolves within a few days. 

You can reduce swelling by using a topical steroid cream, or we can provide medications that limit the swelling.

Treated brown spots will darken following the treatment and slough off within 3 to 6 days.

Treated veins (especially larger one) will look like red bumps and may form a bruise. This can be covered up with long pants. For leg vein treatments we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise or running for 5 days.

It takes time for the full results to develop, but many patients see an immediate and significant improvement in pigmented lesions after just one session. This has earned Excel V a reputation as the laser that impresses.
However, results aren’t permanent as new superficial blood vessels can form or new pigment spots can develop. Follow-up treatments every one to three years may be helpful to maintain clear, healthy skin.

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Our clinic

We are in the row of ground-level shops behind La Dolce Vita Cafe (the place with big the Eiffel Tower). You can walk through the middle under the Eiffel tower, from there walk 10 metres left and you will see us next to Zion Hair. There is free on-street parking and also free parking at the basement level for 1 hour. You can access underground parking via the driveway near Maple Fusion Restaurant.

Where to find us

6/20 Park Rd, Milton QLD 4064

Book your consultation now. If you are unsure which treatment to choose, select a consult - it’s free of charge.